Monday, February 15, 2010


Okay, sorry folks, but I have heard from a few of you, and apparently my letter was not clear enough on one point. If you send a check to Flagler Beach United Methodist Church with "ZOE ministry" in the memo line, it WILL be designated for my mission trip. I am the only person going from my church, so it will not go to anyone else. Currently in the works as far as other fund-raising efforts are the initiation of conversation with Wal-Mart about having a bake sale in the front of the store, and I have contacted the UMW (United Methodist Women) presidents of the two other local Methodist churches. The UMW is very devoted to providing aid especially to women and children, and my own UMW has already been of great help! I know that God is going to make this happen - thanks to all of you for being a part of it!


Monday, February 8, 2010

Progress report #1

Well, folks, I sent out 94 snail mail letters today, and probably most of you are here because you received that letter! Thank you for checking out my blog! I really feel like I am beginning the journey, now that those letters are out, I have an appointment with my doctor for the required physical next week, and an appointment with the health department to start on my shots - Oh, Goodie! I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about this mission - thank you so much for being a part of it! If anybody has any brilliant ideas for fund raisers that my church can help me with, please let me know!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Learning to post

Okay, folks, this is the first post that I am actually doing myself - my marvelous web maven, JB, has just given me my first lesson, and I know that God is using her as part of this mission too. I couldn't do it without you, JB!

The First Step

Greetings, Blogosphere! This is all new to me, blogging and the mission trip, so bear with me while I get it together.

This is such an exciting time, preparing to go to Rwanda to do God’s work! When my pastor sent me the very first E-mail about Zoe Ministry, it grabbed my heart and has not let go! I have already been incredibly blessed by an outpouring of support from friends and church family, and by way of this blog, I hope to keep everyone “in the loop” with how things are progressing, and then with what I hope will be a plethora of pictures and stories from my time in Rwanda.

In making my list of people to send my initial letter, I have been amazed to see how many special people there are in my life! I am truly blessed, having been surrounded by God’s love through all of you for so many years.

The trip is 5 months away, and things are starting to get serious – have an appointment to see the doctor for my physical (FUN!) and have to call the health department today to see how and where I go to start getting shots (even more FUN!). Going to the library (?) today to apply for my passport – and I can’t believe I will actually have stamps in it fairly quickly!

So, stay tuned, and keep praying!
